Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Kitten Korner!

Today's lesson is on how to make Patches really angry. The answer is: pick up her baby. HAAAAA!! I am careful not to touch Boomer too much and I haven't touched him really at all over the past week. But beginning yesterday, I have been rubbing his belly while Patches is nearby and sometimes I pick him up. They both don't really like that. But I do. And I buy the kibbles. So..... case closed.

Boomer is doing just fine.... he's big and fat and noisy. Patches feels okay spending more time away from the nest but only leaves while he is napping.

Other than that, the Ray-Patches household has been pretty quiet lately. I'm getting major "get me the F out of this small city" fever. Also, I'm really worried about what to do about this stupid kitten while I'm away in May.

I spent 45 minutes trying to open a jar of ajvar today. Failed. Still hungry.

My computer makes weird noises. Someone tell me that is normal. Because if this thing breaks..... I don't want us to have to think about that.

Here's Boomer!