Friday, April 23, 2010


I received an email this morning from a friend entitled "I am worried about you." Apparently making a blog about me and my cat is reason to be concerned about my mental health. WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THIS???

Anyway, don't be worried about me. It's been a hell of a week but I have been coping in a variety of ways that I will detail here:

1. Today I was waiting outside the primary school on a bench and this kid in a sweatsuit stood about 4 feet in front of me and just STARED. "Zdravo" I said. No response. "Kako ci?" No response. Pause. Wait 5 minutes. Still staring. Finally, I spread my hands and said "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT??" It didn't do anything... he still just stared at me. Damn my unmistakably non-Balkan features and skin tone!

2. Heidi and I are starting a band. It will be 1 part metal (I've half written our single "Spiders in my Bathroom") and 1 part rewritings of popular songs ("Wake up in tha mornin' feelin like DRINKING LYSOL.")

3. Trying to decide how to rearrange my furniture to cover up the gigantic hole I burned in the carpet while trying to get my hookah from Istanbul to work.

4. Scrubbing mold off my bathroom walls. This is strangely liberating.

5. And of course the age old favorite, hacking ice chunks out of my freezer. Landlords actually came up yesterday to make sure I wasn't killing a person.

So all that said-- DONT WORRY! I'm as fine as one can be in almost constant isolation in a culture that in no way embraces me. But if by "I am worried about you" you mean "I am worried ENOUGH about you to send you tootsies, scooby snacks and other delights"..... we'll talk.


  1. why are you always hacking ice out of your freezer. I don't understand. why is there so much ice in your freezer?

  2. Just because some of us are concerned, doesn't mean we aren't eagerly awaiting the next installment--
